Public Attributes | List of all members
Celartem::DjVu::TextSearcher::Match Struct Reference

#include <djv_text.h>

Public Attributes

size_t a
 Indicates where the matched pattern starts on the first TextZone instance. More...
size_t b
 Indicates where the matched pattern ends on the last TextZone instance. More...
SimpleArray< AutoPtr< TextZone > > zones
 TextZone instances which forms the matched pattern. More...
Rect rect
 The union of the rectangles of TextZone instances. More...

Detailed Description

This structure represents a series of TextZone instances which forms the matched pattern.

Member Data Documentation

size_t Celartem::DjVu::TextSearcher::Match::a

Indicates where the matched pattern starts on the first TextZone instance.

If the first text zone has "This" and the searched text is "is", then a is 2.

size_t Celartem::DjVu::TextSearcher::Match::b

Indicates where the matched pattern ends on the last TextZone instance.

If the last text zone has "theme" and the searched text is "the", then b is 3.

Rect Celartem::DjVu::TextSearcher::Match::rect

The union of the rectangles of TextZone instances.

This roughly indicates where the matched pattern is found.

SimpleArray<AutoPtr<TextZone> > Celartem::DjVu::TextSearcher::Match::zones

TextZone instances which forms the matched pattern.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Cuminas DjVu SDK 3.0.33103
This document is made with doxygen 1.8.5 at Sun Dec 15 2013 19:38:07.
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