Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
Celartem | |
DjVu | |
PrintHeader | |
Annotation | |
Bookmark | |
IFFErrorRecoveryHandler | |
Chunk | |
ChunkRedirector | |
Color | |
FontConfig | |
TextWithFontConfig | |
InflateStream | |
DeflateStream | |
Data | |
StorageData | |
MemoryData | |
DataLocker | |
DjVuEncoder | |
Helper | |
Params | |
Document | |
Image | |
ImageSet | |
Imaging | |
IW44Decoder | |
IW44Encoder | |
ChunkConfig | |
Params | |
PackedBitmap | |
Shape | |
IComment | |
Compressor | |
JB2ShapeStore | |
JB2Dictionary | |
JB2Page | |
JB2Encoder | |
Params | |
RegionRecognitionParams | |
JBIG2DecodeHelper | |
JBIG2EncodeHelper | |
JpegEncoder | |
Params | |
JPXEncoder | |
Params | |
Link | |
MapArea | |
MapRect | |
MapOval | |
MapPoly | |
MapLine | |
MapText | |
G4Encoder | |
SmmrEncoderHelper | |
Page | |
Profile | |
ProfileRepository | |
PropertySetIterator | |
PropertySet | |
RendererHelper | |
Dictionary | |
Renderer | |
ImageRenderer | |
SecurityProvider | |
SecurityProviderBroker | |
SecurityException | |
Segmenter | |
Params | |
IFF | |
DIRMEntry | |
Layout | |
StorageLocator | |
StorageWithRollbackLocator | |
TextZone | |
TextSearcher | |
Match | |
PageInfo | |
Watermark | |
XML | |
FileUtils | |
DirectoryListing | |
License | |
LicenseManager | |
FeatureInfo | |
ProductStatus | |
CartridgeManager | |
CartridgeConsumer | |
AndroidHelper | |
AutoPtr | |
ModuleDefinition | |
SystemReserved | |
Base64T | |
Base64Traits_A | |
UrlSafeBase64Traits | |
Blob | |
DataTraits< Blob< SIZE > > | |
ResourceBroker | |
Checksum | |
MD5Checksum | |
SHA1Checksum | |
SHA256Checksum | |
ChecksumStream | |
MD5Stream | |
SHA1Stream | |
SHA256Stream | |
Zlib | |
DeflateStream | |
InflateStream | |
CredentialInfo | |
CredentialProvider | |
BlockCipher | |
CipherStream | |
DataStore | |
DataTraits | |
Debug | |
BasicDataArray | |
DataArray | |
ModuleDynamicLoader | |
ErrorSaver | |
Error | |
PlatformException | |
Exception | |
Path | |
GenRandom | |
Point | |
Size | |
Rect | |
Guid | |
HttpHeaderEntry | |
HttpManager | |
HttpConnection | |
HttpRequestStream | |
HttpResponseStream | |
Lockable | |
Locker | |
MemoryAllocator | |
MemoryCopy | |
MemoryCopy< T, byConstructor, behavior > | |
MemoryCopy< T, byMemcpy, behavior > | |
MemoryCopy< T, noCopy, behavior > | |
MemoryFill | |
MemoryFill< int8_t > | |
MemoryFill< uint8_t > | |
SimpleArray | |
Decimal | |
Hex | |
Environment | |
Observable | |
Observer | |
ObserverImpl | |
Printf | |
Printf< char > | |
Printf< wchar_t > | |
Random | |
Rational | |
DataTraits< Rational< Int > > | |
Referable | |
ReferableNoTS | |
RegEx | |
RegularExpression | |
_rwlock_ | |
ReaderWriterLock | |
RWLock | |
ReaderWriterLockLockerTempl | |
SecureString | |
Serializable | |
SerializableDataHelper | |
SerializableDataHelper< T, true > | |
SerializableData | |
ThreadSafeSingleton | |
ThreadSafeSingletonReferable | |
sstring | |
StdioStream | |
Storage | |
BlockReadStorage | |
StorageRollback | |
StorageRewinder | |
DiskStorage | |
LockStorageRegion | |
DiskStorageLock | |
DiskStorageWithRollback | |
MemoryStorage | |
RomStorage | |
WrapperStorage | |
StorageOffsetter | |
PartialStorage | |
Range | |
StorageLoader | |
AdvCachedStorage | |
Stream | |
WriteData | |
WriteData< T, notToBeStored > | |
WriteData< T, byCopyBytes > | |
WriteData< T, bySwapCopyBytes > | |
WriteData< T, byClassMethods > | |
ReadData | |
ReadData< T, notToBeStored > | |
ReadData< T, byCopyBytes > | |
ReadData< T, bySwapCopyBytes > | |
ReadData< T, byClassMethods > | |
NullStream | |
ByteCounterStream | |
PartialStream | |
ReferableString | Do not use this interface directly; use String instead of it |
utf8s | This class is to pass UTF-8 string directly to String class |
Region | This class stores information about matching region |
String | This class stores C/C++ style null terminated string |
Transform | |
CharsetConverter | |
CharsetConverter< char > | |
CharsetConverter< UChar2 > | |
CharsetConverter< UChar4 > | |
DefaultCharTraits | |
StringUtil | |
ThreadSafeOperation | |
Semaphore | |
Mutex | |
Event | |
NamedMutex | |
ThreadUtil | |
Thread | |
Time | |
TimeSpan | |
TimeUtils | |
DebugTimer | |
UCharDefs | |
UCharDefs< 1 > | |
UCharDefs< 2 > | |
UCharDefs< 4 > | |
UtfTraits | |
UtfTraits< UChar4 > | |
UnicodeCharTraits | |
Converter | |
Url | Url provides utility functions to deal with URL/URI strings |
UrlComponents | |
UtfTraits< UChar2 > | |
DefaultCharTraits< UChar2 > | |
UtfTraits< UChar1 > | |